Our Emotional Baggages

By plusless-admin

The start of a relationship is always exciting and full of promises. Finally, we’re together with someone that fully understands us, and satisfies our emotional needs. We think that all our troubles are of the past. We attribute them to our past relationships and/or periods of singlehood. We are with the Right Person. But we…

Welcoming your Fears and The Power of Emotional Intelligence

By plusless-admin

Hello Emotionally Intelligent Couples! I could anonymize this experience, but I’d rather to get real with you. I want you to get to know us, just as we want to get to know you. I asked myself, in an intense tension moment with my partner, a question that transformed our situation in a level I…

Launching Our Beta App

By plusless-admin

Emotional intelligence is “the ability to identify and manage one’s own emotions, as well as the emotions of others”. As World Economic Forum indicates, emotional intelligence is not only good for your romantic relationships, but it also predicts your workplace performance, making it a critical skill for the future of world economy. And it is…